Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions of Use


Welcome to the Talent Loom website. This website has been created and is operated by the company
under the trade name TALENT LOOM L.P., having its registered office in 24A Ipirou str., Kifisia, Attica
Greece, with General Electronic Commercial Registry No. 177698701000 and Tax Identification Number:
802508388- Tax Office of Kifisia (hereinafter referred to as “Talent Loom”, “ our Company”, “we”, “us”,
“our”). Talent Loom is an agency committed to offering healthcare professionals career opportunities
customized to their needs, skills, and aspirations.

The present Website Terms and Conditions of Use (hereinafter referred to as “Terms”) contained herein
together with our Privacy and Cookie Notice, as well as all applicable laws and regulations, apply in full
force and effect to your access, use and/or navigation of this website, including all the pages and
content within the website (collectively hereinafter referred to as “Website”).

Accessing, using and navigating this Website as well as anyone using the services offered by Talent
Loom, presumes unconditional acceptance of all the Terms on the part of the User (hereinafter referred
to as “User”). We invite our Users to read these Terms carefully before visiting or using the Website.
Both these Terms and any amendments thereto are the contractual framework which governs the
relationship between the User and Talent Loom at any given time. You expressly agree that you have
read, understood and accepted to be legally bound by all the terms and restrictions set forth below. In
the event of disagreement or reservation from your side about part or all of these terms, you are kindly
requested to refrain from further accessing or using the Website. Please note that other Services offered
by Talent Loom might be subject to additional terms and conditions of use, privacy notices and policies.

Talent Loom facilitates connections between job seekers and top employers throughout the EU,
assisting with job applications and relocation processes. However, it does not participate in any
employment agreements between job seekers and employers. Talent Loom is not a party to any such
agreements, whether oral, written, or otherwise. We do not oversee the employability or suitability of
job seekers, nor do we verify their identities or confirm anything they declare in the CVs. Our website
does not constitute an offer to enter into a contractual relationship, and Talent Loom makes no
guarantees regarding finding suitable employment or filling vacancies.

Access to our Website is provided free of charge.

Talent Loom does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, color, religion, age, national origin, marital
status, disability, veteran status, genetic information, sexual orientation, gender identity or any other
reason prohibited by law in provision of employment opportunities and benefits.

Intellectual Property Rights


The intellectual property rights over the content included on this Website, such as, but not limited to,
dashboards, charts, images, text, graphics, videos, video sequences, audio content, logos, illustrations,
databases and button icons, (including the design, structure, selection, coordination, expression, “look
and feel” and arrangement of such content) together with the underlying software code, is the sole and
exclusive property of Talent Loom or our third-party licensors and are protected by the applicable local,
European or international laws on intellectual property rights.

The appearance and display of the Website content may not be taken as transfer and/or assignment of a
license and/or a right to use thereof. Users are granted a limited license only, subject to the restrictions
provided in these terms for purposes of viewing and downloading the material contained on this
Website only for information and non-commercial purposes and for personal use so long as you do not
remove any copyright or other notices that appear on the material you print or download. You are
granted no copyright, exploitation, licensing or editing rights whatsoever to the content irrespective of
the ready availability of its retrieval. Users and any third party are subject to the restrictions under
Section 3 below.


The trademarks appearing on the Website are registered trademarks that belong either to Talent Loom
or to our licensors Partners who may or may not be affiliated with, connected to, or sponsored by us
irrespective of whether or not they are marked as such, or bear the ® symbol. The User or any third
party does not have and does not obtain any permission or consent to use in any manner the
trademarks of Talent Loom or its partners, for any commercial or other purposes without the special
prior written permission of Talent Loom or their respective owners.
Furthermore, our Company holds exclusive rights over the domain name www.talent-loom.com/ which
is protected by the applicable legislation.

Users’ Code of Conduct and Restrictions

A User of this Website is granted a non-exclusive permission of access and personal use of the Website
for the purposes specifically detailed in the present Terms. All Users are expressly and emphatically
prohibited from all of the following:

  • publishing in any media, selling, distributing, copying in whole or in part, transferring, altering,
    storing, republishing, amending, or reproducing and exploiting in any other manner, in any form,
    any part of the content or copies of the content that appears on this Website;
  • Job seekers/candidates using this Website or receiving information identifying employers from Talent Loom are prohibited from contacting employers directly, bypassing Talent Loom.
  • decompiling, reconstructing, or creating derivative works by using any software oraccompanying documentation offered Talent Loom or its licensors;
  • using this Website contrary to applicable laws and regulations, or in a way that causes, or may cause, harm and damages to the Website, or to any person or business entity;
  • engaging in any data mining, data harvesting, data extracting or any other similar activity in relation to this Website, or while using this Website;
  • using this Website to engage in any advertising or marketing or to transmit or procure the sending of any unsolicited or unauthorized advertising or promotional material or any other form or similar solicitation (spam);
  • Coping, modifying, or distributing rights or content from our copyrights and trademarks; using frames or frame techniques in order to frame any trademark, logo, or other proprietary information (including images, text, page layout, or format) of the Website or using any “meta-tags” or any other “hidden text” based on trade names or trademarks of Talent Loom without its written consent;
  • Posting false, inaccurate, misleading, defamatory, or libelous content (including personal information);
  • Reversing engineer, decompile, disassemble or otherwise attempting to discover the source code of the Website;
  • performing any action that may cause harm to the reputation of Talent Loom, or from any unlawful exploitation thereof, or creating any connection that insinuates any kind of relationship of the User or a third party with Talent Loom, or approval or support by Talent Loom when there is none.
  • creating any link to any part of this Website other than the homepage. Talent Loom reserves its right to remove the connection permission without justification, without penalty and without any prior notice to the User.
  • impeding the operation of the Website and replacing or amending its content (images, photographs, texts, etc.)
  • Commissioning or facilitation of criminal offences in any manner, transmission of viruses, trojans, worms, logic bombs, and any action, in general, that may lead to an unaccepted.
User-Generated Content (“UGC”)

In these Terms, “User Generated Content” shall mean any audio, video, text, images or other material a
user chooses to display on this Website. With respect to User Generated Content, by displaying it, you
grant Talent Loom an unlimited, non-terminable non-exclusive, worldwide, irrevocable, royalty-free,
sublicensable license to use, re-use, copy, adapt, abridge, amend, distribute, modify, translate, publish,
perform, display, develop, reproduce, communicate to the public and to make your UGC otherwise
available in any form and/or by any media.

When submitting any UGC you agree not to post any material that violates any local or international
law, that is considered spam, that you do not own, or that you do not have the license and that violates
any third parties’ intellectual property rights and personal data legislation. Talent Loom has no

obligation to post any content from a user and reserves the right to in its sole discretion to remove, edit,
delete any Content from this Website at any time, and for any reason, without notice.

Any posting of information on or via our website is the opinion of the person posting or sending only
and does not necessarily reflect our opinions or attitudes and does not constitute any form of
recommendation, representation, endorsement or arrangement of the material posted by users by us. If
you rely on the information posted, you do so at your own risk.


In order to provide you with our recruitment services, our Company collects and processes some
personal information for its Users. Furthemore, we may collect certain information about website users
and third parties (such as website usage data collected through automated means) in order, among
other purposes, to determine how you use our Website and how we can improve it. Accordingly, you
should review the terms and conditions of our Privacy and Cookie Notice, by which you agree to be
bound as a condition of visiting the Website. Our Privacy and Cookie Notice is incorporated by reference
into these Terms.

Links to third-party Websites

This Website is linked through hyperlinks with other Websites, which are not related with Talent Loom,
and whose content is not controlled, edited or monitored by the latter (hereinafter referred to as
“Linked Websites”). These links are only made available for the users' convenience and as an additional
avenue of access to the Information contained in those other sites: unless it is otherwise specifically
stated by Talent Loom, they shall under no circumstances be construed as a specific or implicit approval
or acceptance of the content or the services of the Linked Websites to which the User is referred
through hyperlinks. Therefore, Talent Loom does not guarantee that the content posted on the Linked
Websites is correct, legal, complete, updated, true, accurate, or of good quality, and does not bear any
responsibility or liability for the availability of such third-party material, advertising, products, or other
materials on such Linked Websites. You further acknowledge and agree that we shall not be responsible
or liable, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection
with use of or reliance on any material goods or services available on or through any such Linked
Websites. Similarly, Talent Loom cannot check the collection and processing of the users’ personal data
by the Linked Websites, and, therefore, it does not bear any liability in relation to such collection and

When the User uses the Linked Websites, the Terms and Conditions, as well as the Privacy Notice of
each website shall apply accordingly. Access and use of third-party materials, including the information,
materials and services on or available through third party materials is solely at your own risk.

Disclaimer of warranties and limitation of liability

Users acknowledge and agree that Talent Loom is an agency dedicated to provide healthcare
professionals with career opportunities. Talent Loom, despite its success rate, cannot guarantee to
anyone that they will be recruited for a job position nor does it guarantee to any employer that they will
find suitable employees. Talent Loom does not participate in any way in any kind of employment or
similar agreement concluded between a job seeker and an employer nor can it be held responsible or
for any communication transaction, meeting, arrangement or relationship between them.

The information contained on the Website is for information purposes only. Nothing contained on this
Website shall be construed as providing consult or advice to you. Although we shall make all reasonable
efforts to ensure that the information provided through this website is accurate, reliable and up to date,
we make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, as to the operation of this
website, the completeness, precision, timeliness or accuracy of the information and material contained
on this website, including but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a
particular purpose, noninfringement, system integration, data accuracy, quiet enjoyment and freedom
from viruses or other harmful code. Nothing on this Website shall be construed as providing consult or
advice to the Users and you expressly agree that your use of these services and any reliance upon the
material is at your sole risk The website and the content therein are delivered on an “as-is” and “as-
available” basis and no license to the user is implied in these disclaimers. Moreover, the Users’
connection with this Website is made with technical means and through providers of the Users’ choice
and we shall not be liable in the case of suspension of access to our website for reasons beyond our
control, as well as for reasons due to a technical or other weakness of the network or the involvement
of third-party network operators, or to reasons of Force Majeure, or to unforeseeable circumstances.

Talent Loom and its officers, directors and employees disavow any liability for any consequential,
possible and indirect damages or for escaped profit, including profits not made, loss of data, suspension
of activity, damages to the fame or reputation, or any other damage of whatever nature that could arise
from the use of its Website, or the content thereof, or from the inability to use or access the Websites,
or through the use of, and/ or reliance upon any information obtained either directly or indirectly from
this Website, regardless of whether such damages could have been foreseen or whether they arise due
to tort or by negligence, based on the applicable laws.

All the liability limitations contained in these Terms are acknowledged and accepted by the Website
User in their entirety as being valid and consistent with good faith and transactional practices. In any
case, however, and if any damage is due to a proven fault of Talent Loom, to the extent permitted by
applicable law, any compensation that the Company will be required to pay shall not exceed the amount
of five hundred Euros (€500.00).


The User agrees to indemnify to the fullest extent, defend and hold Talent Loom and its officers,
employees harmless of any and all claims, damages, losses, liability, and/or costs (including reasonable
attorney’s fees) it might suffer that arise out of any breach by a User of these Terms, any dispute between any job seeker and an Employer or any action a User takes that might disrupt access to and/or
the functioning of the Website.

Amendments to the present Terms

You must frequently visit this Website’s Terms, as, part or all of these terms may be amended by us
at any time, without justification or prior notification and without there being any other obligation for
information about such amendment, except for their being posted on the Website. If we deem it
necessary or if we are required by the applicable legislation to do so, we will notify you about any
changes via e-mail. Notwithstanding the foregoing, your continued access or use of the Website after
such changes are made conclusively demonstrates your acceptance of such changes.
We expressly reserve the right, indicatively and not exclusively:
a) to renew or upgrade part or the whole content of the Website;
b) to renew or upgrade part or the whole of the interface, structure, or configuration of the
Website, as well as its technical specification; and to
c) limit access to, cancel, suspend, permanently or temporarily, or terminate the operation of the
whole Website or part thereof for example for maintenance purposes, at any time, without any
justification and without any prior notice to you, the User of the Website according to our own
discretion and without liability.

Final Provisions

10.1. Entire Agreement. These Terms bind the parties (We and our Users) collectively, and constitute, as
a whole, the whole contract of the parties, and prevail over any and all previous and current contracts
between us the Users.

10.2. Severability. If any provision of these Terms is found to be unenforceable or invalid under any
applicable law, such unenforceability or invalidity shall not render these Terms unenforceable or invalid
as a whole, and such provisions shall be deleted without affecting the remaining provisions herein.
Otherwise, you agree that the term must be repaired and it will be construed in a manner that
approaches the original meaning of the term/sub-term to the greatest extent, in accordance with the

10.3. Waiver Any delay in the parties’ exercising some or all of the rights deriving from these terms shall
not result in the weakening or waiver of such right, which may be exercised at any time, at a later stage,
at the reasonable judgment of its holder. Any waiver of any provision of these Terms of Use will be
effective only if made in writing and signed by us.

10.4. References-Headings. In these Terms, words that appear after the expression ‘include’, ‘including’,
‘other’, ‘for example’, ‘such as’ or ‘in particular’ (or any similar expression) will not limit the meaning of
the words appearing before such expression. The headings contained in these terms and conditions are
set for reference purposes alone and shall not affect the meaning or interpretation thereof.

10.5. Assignment. It is prohibited to assign, grant or in any other way or transfer any of the rights arising
from these Terms.

10.6. Governing law- Jurisdiction. These terms are governed by and construed in accordance with the
laws of Greece. Both Parties, upon acceptance of these Terms and Conditions, agree to be subject to the
exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Athens, Greece.

Contact Details

For further information about us or if you have any queries or concerns regarding the present Terms
please contact us via email at: gtsokos@talent-loom.com

Last revised:10/06/2024